Friday, June 13, 2008

i have....

been going over the past few months in my head and wondering where things really went wrong. i know there was a lot of stuff not said that should have been made known but i cannot go back and change it.
been wondering why things seem to always end up this way. i know there is still feeling there but its being masked by hurt and pain. i know because i am feeling it too. if i could go back and change my decisions i would. but i cannot go back and change it.
no matter what has happened in the recent past it has to be understood that no matter what is wanted the past cannot be changed. the future must be something that is looked upon with hope.
a decision has to be made. whether or not to move into that future hand in hand. heart to heart. soul intertwined with soul.
i have given everything i can. and it has been overlooked.
so look. grab my hand. accept my heart.

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